[DEFAULT] ## this section is just used as default for all the "s3 *" ## sections, you can place these variables also directly there
## replace with e.g. "localhost" to run against local software host =
## uncomment the port to use something other than 80 port = 7481
## say "no" to disable TLS is_secure = no
[fixtures] ## all the buckets created will start with this prefix; ## {random} will be filled with random characters to pad ## the prefix to 30 characters long, and avoid collisions bucket prefix = cephtest-{random}-
[s3 main] ## the tests assume two accounts are defined, "main" and "alt".
## user_id is a 64-character hexstring user_id = test01
## display name typically looks more like a unix login, "jdoe" etc display_name = test01
## replace these with your access keys access_key = test01 secret_key = test01
## replace with key id obtained when secret is created, or delete if KMS not tested #kms_keyid = 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef
[s3 alt] ## another user account, used for ACL-related tests user_id = test02 display_name = test02 ## the "alt" user needs to have email set, too email = test02@qq.com access_key = test02 secret_key = test02
1 2
radosgw-admin user create --uid=test01 --display-name=test01 --access-key=test01 --secret-key=test01 --email=test01@qq.com radosgw-admin user create --uid=test02 --display-name=test02 --access-key=test02 --secret-key=test02 --email=test02@qq.com
1 2 3 4 5 6
[root@lab101 s3-tests]# S3TEST_CONF=test.conf ./virtualenv/bin/nosetests -a '!fails_on_rgw' ..................................................SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.....................................................................................................................SSSS.......................................................................................................................................SSSS....................................................... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 408 tests in 122.087s